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I have never worked with such a caring and intuitive consultant. It was amazing what Carol was able to know about my condition without prior knowledge. The remedy gave me peace and helped my condition improve significantly.

K. Ford - Littleton

So my Name is Nick a real Close Friend to Carol !!! I suffered many different types of Head aches all the time - Episodes happening every 3-5 min through out the day every day some dropping me to my knees in mass crying while some stood me in place grabbing my head in pain while I was crying my eyes out and others left me standing in place ( out cold ) don’t move - in place - and I drift away from my body and am able to look back at my self and around me and see my Mom and Bob looking at me ((( I never leave the house alone ))) or some head aches will stop me in my tracks and Make me Grab my head in mass pain crying ———— so I can’t drive or work or do anything cause of my head aches - been to many many Dr and they can’t find anything ——————- suffered lots of years - I’m 42 and I’ve suffered threw child hood trama due to Electrocution at age 9 and many head trama threw my life snowboarding Accident and running my head threw the Dry Wall Multiple time- many years of drama many Doctors in my time ————- Carol took the Challenge in her Self to see if she can fix Me with her Drops she makes with her business !!! She took it opon her kindly Self to help Me !!!—————- so in 23 days of Drops taken- i now can go 4-5 days with out any Head aches and are lot less pain full sooooo Quick to heal and fix !!! 30 drops a day 3 X a day . 23 days and now there next to no more head aches any more ////// going From Multiple many threw out the day to now next to not at all . Soo I’m impressed and Very Thank Full for her Help !!! She deserves a A + !!! Thansk for all The Help !!!

Nick - Silt

I first heard about Carol through a Facebook group about parasites which I’d come to having followed many health pages of various kinds when trying to deal with my children’s eczema.
My eldest, almost 10, has suffered since a baby really when I started weaning him - he also had lots of cough colds and numerous rounds of antibiotics before the age of 2, so he suffered much with eczema, particularly behind his knees, ankles and as he’s got older around his lip area.
At his lowest points his school trousers and clothes would get stuck to the back of his weeping legs and he used to cry begging me to help him and stop not only the itch but the soreness. Many hours have been spent trying to sooth his poor skin as he slept. What made it heartbreaking to see him suffer was that I too had chronic eczema at his age, and so I knew exactly the pain, soreness and sadness that comes with having this constant itchy skin, and we both hated it and it’s effect on daily life.  I had done a lot of work already for him through Homeopaths, and NAET therapy, and had gotten so far, but I had always for my own health issues loved muscle testing as the body tells you exactly what it needs. Funnily enough I came to find Carol just as I was on my phone one evening rubbing his poor legs! I set up a discovery call with Carol who answered my many many questions - having a child with eczema herself that she was able to treat and cure just intrigued me more, and we decided to test Oscar for the cause of his eczema. The report was rather interesting!! A mixture of emotional and allergic elements. His skin improved so much after the protocol, which was around a month, it was like night and day! He seemed happier too, the skin isn’t sore and while he retains the habit to sometimes scratch behind his legs, we’ve found his skin doesn’t break as easily, and is far more ‘intact’. Just amazing, I am so glad it’s been able to help him and his quality of life (he loves to play football in shorts now with no worries and no funny looks at his skin!). We’re 8 months later and his skin is still doing great!! I am beyond thankful as I wouldn’t have known what to do next, thank you Carol!!

Jox - London

Earlier this year I tested positive for covid. I noticed that I was becoming extremely fatigued, losing focus easily, and generally having trouble staying engaged in conversations with friends and family. I asked Carol for help and she provided a remedy that within 24 hours removed my fatigue and lifted the brain fog. I was able to work, engage in physical activity, and start to interact with my friends and family as I did before. This also sped my recovery from covid and got me back into “life” again.

I highly recommend consultation and treatment with Carol! Simply the best!

Brian R. - San Francisco

My grand dog's anxiety is finally cured! If anyone on here has a dog that has anxiety or panic attacks. You have to try this. Our family had tried everything for our sweet Lena, nothing worked for more than a few days. As a last resort, I tried Quantum Wellness. I don't really understand the methodology but it worked.  After our session, Lena was given some drops to be placed on her skin, it was easy and we noticed a difference the very first day. It's been over a week now, and she is calm and sleeps peacefully at night, which means we do too.

Sandy - Wolhurst

I don’t know what to expect when Carol offered to work on my dog’s Addison’s disease. Sarah is a 14-year-old Yorkiepoo and she had been having multiple health problems for over a month (such as diarrhea, wetting the bed, poor appetite, etc.) The information that Carol’s session with me revealed about Sarah agreed with my knowledge acquired from vets etc.  After the first day of drops, Sarah began acting normal again. The diarrhea, peeing, not eating right fell away. She continues to improve.

My personal experience was Carol’s work on my anxiety issues which are lessening by the day!

I am amazed and pleased! What a difference!

Carol - Boulder, CO

My cat was having some health issues.  He had stopped eating and was losing weight.  I tried everything I could to get him to eat by trying different foods, textures, and flavor enhancers to no avail.  He saw three different veterinarians and had numerous tests done; nothing showed up that would lead to why he stopped eating.  I ultimately fed him via syringe to keep him alive as I thought through this some more.  I reached out to Carol as a last attempt to try and help my cat.  Carol performed an Animal Wellness Discovery on him.  I was then provided with a report of what his body was saying that he needed, along with a customized liquid remedy as drops to place behind his ears.  Within 24 hours of using the drops, my cat had started very slowly and cautiously eating some food on his own.  I continued with the drops and within 3 days, he resumed eating normally on his own (no syringe feeding) and he was back to his normal self.  My cat has resumed full health and the vets are shocked!  The work that Carol does is amazing, and I'd recommend that anyone go see Carol if you can't figure out what's going on with your own health issues or the health issues of your pets! 

Heidi - Highlands Ranch, CO

I first heard of Carol on ND offering her Biodermal Feedback Services.  Not knowing anything about it, I reached out to see if she could help me with my anxiety.  I was amazed at what else she was able to find about me without me mentioning anything to her.  Her remedy of drops have helped immensely!  After my success, I later reached out to see if she could help my 13 year old Cockapoo.  She started acting very anxious, pacing continually and would jump up out of a deep sleep and look dazed and confused.  She was very restless and wasn't sleeping at night.  The vet diagnosed her with "dog dementia" which I know is very likely due to her age, but I felt something else was wrong as she sometimes seemed in pain.  Carol performed her services and suggested a remedy of 7 drops behind her ear 1x a day for 61 days.  I noticed a difference within the first couple of days, but now that she is done with the drops, she is totally back to normal and acting like herself again!  Carol is amazing at what she does!  I am a true believer in her services!

Cheryl - Littleton, CO

Carol at Quantum Wellness is a rockstar! I came to her with a completely different issue (mental fog and fatigue this time, not physical like last) and just like magic, her remedy worked wonders again – from day one! I'm so impressed with the system – it's like having a secret weapon for feeling your best. Definitely recommend!

Michael L.

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